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비즈니스 영작문 - 패턴연습Ⅰ (YBM NET)
- ~까지 가는 ~이 있나요? / Is there a 교통수단 that goes to 장소?
- ~은 어디서 타나요? / How can I catch ~?
- ~까지 가는 방법을 알려주시겠어요? / Could you please tell me how to get to 장소?
- ~까지 태워 주실 수 있으신가요? / Could you give me a ride to 장소?
- 공항까지 가는 지하철이 있나요? /Is there a subway line that goes to the airport?
- ABC 공원까지 가는 방법을 알려주시겠어요? / Could you please tell me how to get to ABC Park?
- 지하철 어디서 타나요? / How can I catch a subway?
- Could you give me a ride to the train station? / 기차역까지 데려다 주실 수 있으세요?
1. Central park까지 가는 버스 있나요?
Is there a bus that goes to Central park?
Is there a bus that goes to Central Park?
2. 제가 로비에서 어떻게 공항 가는 버스를 탈 수 있나요?
How can I catch a bus that goes to the airport from robby?
How can I catch the airport shuttle from the lobby?
3. 가장 가까운 지하철에 가는 방법을 알려주세요.
Please tell me how to get to the nearest subway station.
Could you please tell me how to get to the nearest subway?
4. 공항에 데려다 주실 수 있으세요?
Could you give a ride to the airport?
Could you give me a ride to the airport?
A: America Building 은행으로 가는 버스가 있나요?
B: 호텔쪽 거리 건너편에서 56번 혹은 522번 타시면 됩니다.
A: Is there a bus that goes to America Building?
B: You can get a ride the Number 56 or 522 bus from across the street to the hotel.
A: Is there a bus that goes to the Bank of America Building?
B: Yes. You can get a ride take bus the Number 56 or 522 bus from across the street to from the hotel.
A: 공항에서 셔틀 버스를 어떻게 타나요?
B: 출구를 나온 후에 차량에 Marriott hotel이 쓰여진 셔틀 벤을 보실 수 있습니다. 이것을 놓치지 마세요.
A: How can I catch the airport shuttle?
B: After coming out the exit, you can see the shuttle ben written on Marriott hotel. Do not miss out.
A: How can I catch the airport shuttle from the airport?
B: After coming out the exit exiting arrivals, you can will see a shuttle ben van with Marriott Hotel written on Marriott hotel all over the vehicle.
Do not miss out. You can't miss it. (놓칠수 없을 것입니다.☞놓치지마세요)
- over/ (다른 사물이 덮이도록) 위에
- van / b,v 발음 차이 /v는 f처럼 발음하며, 프 대신 브 발음
- ~에 쓰여진 /written over ~
- 차량에 Marriott hotel이 쓰여진 셔틀 벤 a shuttle van with Marriott Hotel writeen all over the vehicle.
A: 안녕 나 서울역이야. 나에게 여기서 호텔 가는 방법을 알려 줄 수 있니?
B: 물론이지. 7번 출구로부터 나와서 10분 정도 쭉 걸어. 그러면 오른쪽에 신라호텔이 있어.
A: Hello. I'm in Seoul station. Could you please tell me how to get to the hotel from here?
B: Sure. After exiting number 7, go walk for 10 minutes, and you will see the Silla hotel on the right side.
A: Hello. I'm currently at in Seoul station. Could you please tell me how to get to the hotel from here?
B: Sure. After exiting number 7 From exit 7, go walk straight for 10 minutes, and you will see the Silla hotel on the right side. The Shilla Hotel is located on the right.
A: 런던 콜 택시입니다. 무엇을 도와드릴까요?
B: London-Heathrow 공항에 저를 데려다 주시겠어요?
A: This is London Call Taxi. How can I help you with?
B: Could you please give me a ride to the London-Heathrow airport?
A: This is London Call Taxi. How can I help you with?
B: Hello. Could you please give me a ride to the London-Heathrow airport?
A: 여보세요. 프런트입니다. 어떻게 도와드릴까요?
B: 역사 박물관까지 가는 방법을 알려주실 수 있으신가요?
A: 물론이죠. 호텔 메인 출입구를 나가서 좌회전하시고 25분 동안 직진하세요.
B: 제가 거기까지 버스를 탈 수 있을까요?
A: 네, 하지만 버스는 20분마다 옵니다.
B: 알겠습니다. 감사합니다.
A: Hello, This is frond-desk. How can I help you?
B: Could you tell me how to get to the history museum, please?
A: Sure. From main 출입구 from the hotel, turn left and walk straight for 25 minutes.
B: Could I take the bus to there?
A: Yes, but the bus comes every 20 minutes.
B: All right. Thank you.
A: Hello, This is the frond desk. How can I help you?
B: Hi. Could you tell me how to get to the history museum of history, please?
A: Sure. From main 출입구 from the hotel After exiting the hotel's main entrance, turn left and walk straight for 25 minutes.
B: Could I take the bus to there? Can I catch a bus that goes there?
A: Yes, but the bus it only comes every 20 minutes.
B: All right. I see. Thank you so much.
- catch / (버스기차 등을 시간 맞춰) 타다
- 난 가야 돼. 기차를 타야 해서 말야. / I must go. I have a train to catch.
- 우리는 옥스퍼드발 12시 15분 기차를 탔다. / We caught the 12:15 from Oxford.
- 우리는 포항발 7시 기차를 탔다. / we caught a train at 7:00 from Pohang.
- 우리는 수서행 10시 기차를 탔다. / we caught a train at 10:00 to Suseo.
- 제가 거기까지 버스를 탈 수 있을까요? / Can I catch a bus goes there?
A: 안녕하세요. 포시즌스 호텔 부페입니다. 무슨 일이신가요?
B: 네. 제가 거기까지 가는 방법을 알려주실 수 있으신가요?
A: 저희는 G코너의 75번가에 위치해 있습니다.
B: 호텔까지 가는 지하철 노선이 있나요?
A: 네, Q나 R 열차가 74번가에서 세워집니다. 저희는 몇 분 거리에 있습니다.
B: 감사합니다.
A: Hello, This is Hotel buffe at Four Seasons. How can I help you?
B: Hi, Could you please tell me how to get to there?
A: Our place is located on the 75th street around the G corner.
B: Is there a subway line that goes to the hotel?
A: Yes, Q or R subway will stop by 74 street. we are there in a few minutes.
B: Thank you very much.
A: Hello, This is Hotel the buffet at the Four Seasons Hotel. How can I help you?
B: Hi, Yes. Could you please tell me how to get to there?
A: Our place is We are located on the 75th street around the G corner at the corner of G and 75th.
B: Is there a subway line that goes to the hotel?
A: Yes, the Q or and R subway trains will stop by at 74 street. we are there in a few minutes. We are located just a few minutes away.
B: Thank you very much.
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