2021-9/[영어] {비지니스 영작문 패턴} 불만표시 및 처리

[불만표시 및 처리] 불만 표시

a-straw-raincoat 2021. 9. 15. 15:53

해당 글은 아래 강좌를 수강 후 복습한 내용을 적은 내용입니다.

비즈니스 영작문 - 패턴연습  (YBM NET)

  • There is an error on ~에 오류가 있다.
  • There is something wrong with ~에 이상이 있어.
  • have complaints about ~에 불만이 있다.
  • There are complaints about
  • I was disappointed about/with [excited at, satisfied with, surprised at] ~에 실망[열광, 만족, 놀라]했다.
  • I have not received 받지 못했다. [비지니스영어에서 많이 쓰는 완료형]


  • There is an error on your file.
  • I have complaints about your product list.
  • I was disappointed with your product.
  • I have not received any response.


1. 제 스크린에 오류가 있습니다.

<연습>, <정답>

There is an error on my screen.


2. 당신의 서비스에 불만이 있습니다.


I have complaints about your service.


There have been complaints about your service.


3. 저는 배송 시간에 실망했습니다.

<연습>, <정답>

I was disappointed about the delivery time.


4. 저는 아직 상품을 받지 못했습니다.


I have not received the product yet.



5. 그 파일에 이상이 있는 것 같습니다. 제가 그것을 열어보려 할 때 문제가 있습니다.


There is an error on the file. It has a problem when I open it.


I think there is something wrong with the file. There is an error when I try to open it.


6. 당신의 최근 공연에 불만이 있습니다. 내일 오후에 제 사무실로 와주세요. 


There are complaints about your recent show. Please come to my office tomorrow afternoon.


There have been complaints about your performance lately. Please come to my office tomorrow afternoon.


7. 너의 팀 과제에 실망했습니다. 그 과제는 미완성인 것 같아요.


I was disappointed about your team project. It should be 보충되다.


I was disappointed in(with) your team's report. It seems incomplete. (I think that it is incomplete)


8. 최종 복사본을 아직 받지 못했습니다. 제가 언제 받을 수 있을까요?


I have not received the final copy yet. When should I receive that?


I have not received the final copy yet. when can I expect it? (언제 받을 수 있을까요? ☞ 언제 쯤 예상할 수 있을까요?)


  • I expect you to work overtime.

9. 유감스럽지만, 요즘 당신의 일에 실망하고 있습니다.

당신의 스프레드시트에 오류가 많이 있습니다.

그래서 다른 부서에서 당신의 일에 대해 불만이 있습니다.


I'm afraid, these days, I am disappointed in your work.

There are a lot of errors on your spreadsheet.

So, there are complaints about your work from other department.


I'm sorry to say that I am disappointed with your performance lately.

There have been many errors in your spreadsheets, (현재까지 오류가 있으므로 현재완료 사용)

so there have been complaints from other departments about your work as well.


  • other 다음에 단수? 복수?
  • other + 복수, another + 단수

10. Jeff, 바쁘니? 마감일이 며칠이 지났지만 나는 너의 예산 계획을 못 받았어.

회계부서에서 너의 예산 계획이 없이는 완성 할 수 없다고 불만이 있어. 오늘까지 보내줘.


Are you busy, Jeff? Although the deadline was passed a few days ago, I haven't received your budget plan yet.

There have been complaints about your budget from other departments where can't complete the work.

Please send me it today.



Jeff, are you busy? It has been a few days past the deadline, however have not received your budget proposal.

There are complaints from accounting that they cannot complete their work without your budget proposal.

Please send it by today. (by ~까지 보내줘)


  • proposal 제안, 제의 미국식 [ prə|poʊzl ] 영국식 [ prə|pəʊzl 
  • accounting 회계(업무)


