해당 글은 아래 강좌를 수강 후 복습한 내용을 적은 내용입니다.
비즈니스 영작문 - 패턴연습 Ⅱ (YBM NET)
- how is ~: ~잘 있지요? (안부 묻는 표현)
- congratulations on ~: ~을 축하하다.
- I really enjoyed: 정말 즐거웠다. (enjoy ~ing)
- I am happy to 동사원형: ~해서 행복하다.
- How's your family?
- Congratulations on your promotion.
- I really enjoyed working with you.
- I was happy to talk to you.
1. 아이들은 잘 있죠?
How is your kids?
How are your kids (doing)?
2. 약혼 축하해요!
Congratulations on your 약혼
Congratulations on your engagement!
3. 그 새로운 영화 너무 즐거웠어요.
<연습> <정답>
I really enjoyed the new movie.
- 동명사(-ing)가 오는 단어: finish, give up(포기하다), mind(꺼리다), avoid, enjoy, consider(고려하다), postpone, put off(미루다)
4. 그것이 필요하다면 전 당신을 돕는 것이 좋아요.
I am happy to help you if needed.
I am happy to help you if you need it.
5. 가족들은 잘 있죠? 당신이 연휴에 고향에 갔었다고 들었어요.
How are your family doing? I heard you went hometown in holiday.
How is your family doing? I heard you went home for the holidays.
- Family는 '가족, 가정’이라는 의미로 하나의 집합으로 보통 집합적 단수로 취급
- go to 장소, but go home, go there, go here, go downtown, go upstairs, go downstairs 등은 쓰지 않는다.
- 연휴동안 for the holidays
6. 새로운 계약하게 된 거 축하해. 네가 자랑스러워.
<연습> <정답>
Congratulation on the new contract! I am proud of you.
Congratulations on getting the contract. I am proud of you.
7. 일본 음식 좋아하세요? 제 남편과 제가 새로운 식당을 가봤는데 너무 맛있어요.
Do you like Japanese food? I went to the new restaurant with my husband, and I really enjoyed the food.
Do you like Japanese food? My husband and I tried out a new restaurant and really enjoyed it.
- try out 시도하다.
8. 바빠 보이세요. 당신이 도움 필요하다면 전 돕는 것이 좋아요.
You look busy! I am happy to help you if you need any help.
You seem(look 도 됌) really busy. I am happy to help you out if you need it.
9. 안녕 David. 가족은 잘 있지?
나는 유럽에게 가족들과 휴가를 보냈고 너무 좋은 시간이었어.
난 네가 여행을 고려하고 있다면 조언을 해주고 싶어. 너무 좋을 것 같아.
Hello. David. How is your family doing?
I really enjoyed vacations with my family in Europe, and it was a great time.
I am happy to advise if you consider your trip,
Hey David, how is your family doing?
I just took my family on a vacation to Europe and really enjoyed it.
I'm happy to give you some advice if you're considering going there.
- I want to take my family on a vacation to Europe.
- take A to B: A를 B로 데리고 가다.
- I am considering changing jobs. 이직을 고려중이야.
- 불가산 명사: advice, information, vocabulary
- could you please give me some advice? 조언해 주실수 있으세요?
10. 승진을 축하해요. 미나.
당신의 남편이 분명히 자랑스러워 했을 거예요. 그는 요즘 잘 지내죠? 우리가 함께 저녁 먹었을 때 잘 지내는 것 같았어요. 나는 그날 밤 너무 즐거웠어요.
Congratulations on your promotion, Mina.
Your husband might have been proud of you.
How is he?
I think he looks well when we had a dinner together.
I really enjoyed that night.
- ~하다, ~했다, ~했을거다(과거예상?), ~할 것이다, ~할지도모른다, ~할 것 같다
- get a promotion 승진하다.
- get a discount 할인받다.
- get a refund 환불받다.
Congratulations on your promotion, Mina.
Your husband must be very proud (of you).
How is he nowadays?
He seemed to be doing well when we all had dinner together.
I really enjoyed that night.
- have breakfast, have lunch, have dinner (아침,점심,저녁식사는 관사를 쓰지 않는다.)
- seem to 동원, seem 형용사
- must be ~임에 틀림없다.
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