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비즈니스 영작문 - 패턴연습Ⅰ (YBM NET)
<준비/요청하는 표현>
- ~에 대한 당신 의견은요? / What's your view on~?
- ~라는 말입니까? / Are you saying (that S+V)~?
- ~해야만 한다. / We have to 동사원형
- ~해주시겠어요? / Could you please 동사원형~?
- 우리가 회의에 참석해야한다는 것을 말씀하시는 거세요? / Are you saying that we should attend the meeting?
- 우리는 2시에 회의를 시작해야만 한다./ We have to start the meeting at 2 p.m.
- Could you please let me know how many people will attend the meeting? / 몇명의 사람들이 회의에 참석을 하는 건지 알려주시겠어요?
1. 그 경제 정책에 대한 당신의 생각은 무엇인가요?
What's your view on the economy policy?
What's your view on the economic policy?
2. 당신은 이번 주 금요일에 회의를 참석하지 못 할 것 같다는 말인가요?
Are you saying that you can't attend the meeting this week?
Are you saying that you can't will not be able to attend the meeting conference this week Friday?
3. 우리는 12월 1일까지 컨퍼런스를 등록해야만 합니다.
We have to enroll the conference until Dec 1.
We have to register for the conference by December 1.
- register for / 등록하다
- be registered in ~ / ~에 등록이 되어 있다.
- be registered as ~ /~로 등록이 되어 있다.
- "~까지" by와 until의 차이? / until은 A시점부터 B시점까지 쭉 유지되는 상황, by는 어느 시점까지 맞춰서 끝내다.
- I'll be busy at work until five-fifteen.
- Please let me know by tomorrow.
4. 그 서류를 가능한 한 빨리 보내주시겠습니까?
Could you please send the file as soon as possible?
Could you please send the documents as soon as possible?
5. 나는 ABC 휴대폰이 시장에서 가장 좋은 핸드폰이 될 거라고 들었어. 너의 생각은 어떠니?
I heard that ABC's handphone will be the best in the market.
What's your view on it?
I heard that ABC's handphone cellphone will be the best in on the market.
What's your view on it?
- "on the market" means a product is for sale, "in the market" can mean you're in a store.
6. 제조 공정에서 문제가 있나요? 제품 생산이 지연된다는 말입니까?
Is there any concerns about a making procedure?
Are you saying that product 생산 will be postponed?
Is there any concerns about a making procedure?
There were problems during manufacturing?
Are you saying that product 생산 will be postponed delayed?
- delay, postpone 차이? [참고: https://confusingtimes.tistory.com/2123]
7. 우리는 1월 1일에 보고서를 매니저에게 알려야만 합니다. 그는 좋은 결과를 기대하고 있습니다.
We have to inform the manager of the report at January 1.
He looks forward to a good result.
We have to inform our manager about the report by January 1.
He is expecting great results.
- inform A of B, inform A that S+V, inform A about ~
- 기대하다 expect, 기대하고 있다. be expecting
8. 내일 회의를 위해 음식과 음료를 준비해 주실 수 있으신가요? 저희는 30명 정도 참석하는 것을 예상합니다.
Could you please prepare a 음료 and 음식 tomorrow for the meeting?
We anticipate 30 people will be attend.
Could you please prepare food and beverages for tomorrow's meeting?
We expect around 30 people to attend. (5형식, 목적어, 목적보어)
- 5형식동사: want, allow, tell(지시하다)
- My boss always tells me to work overtime. 사장님이 나아게 야근을 하라고 항상 지시한다.
- 5형식 예문 (참고: https://take2.tistory.com/entry/5%ED%98%95%EC%8B%9D-%EB%AC%B8%EC%9E%A5-%EC%98%88%EB%AC%B8)
안녕하세요 Mr. Park우리의 경쟁자 중 한 명이 유사 제품을 출시했습니다.그리고 저희는 당신의 의견을 알고 싶습니다.당신의 의견을 이번 주 끝날 때까지 알려주실 수 있으신가요?필요하다면, 저희는 새로운 계획을 준비하겠습니다.
<연습>Hello Mr. Park,One of our competitors released 유사 product.And we would like to know your view on it.Could you please your opinion until the end of this week?If needed, we will prepare a new plan.
Hello Mr. Park,
One of our competitors has just released 유사 a similar product
and we would like to know your view on it.
Could you please let me know your opinion until by the end of this week?
If needed, we will prepare a new plan. (준비할것이다.)
We will have to prepare a new plan if necessary (~하겠습니다. ~해야할거야.)
안녕하세요 Mr.Lee.
저는 투자자들을 찾는데 어려움이 있다는 것을 이해합니다.
그 제품 출시가 연기된다는 말이신가요?
그렇다면, 저는 저희 고객들을 마감기한까지 어떻게 만족시켜야 할지에 대한 당신의 의견을 듣고 싶습니다.
당신에 대한 생각을 가능한 한 빨리 알려주실 수 있으신가요?
Hello Mr. Lee,
I understand that it's difficult to find investors.
Are you saying that the product will be postponed?
If so, we would like to know your opinion that how to satisfy our customers by the deadline.
Could you please let me know your view on it as soon as possible?
Thank you.
Hello Mr. Lee,
I understand that there were some difficulties finding investors.
Are you saying that the product will be delayed?
If so, I'd like to hear your view on how we can please our consumers by the deadline.
Could you please let me know as soon as possible?
Thank you.
- please / 기쁘게하다.
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