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The Global Chip Shortage, Explained
The chip industry is in a precarious position. Any effort to shift production to auto makers could indirectly cause delays for consumer electronics giants that are also short on chips.
A global chip shortage that has ravaged companies in the auto sector is spreading to other parts of the electronics industry, snarling supply chains for everything from game consoles to phones.
Ford, General Motors, Toyota, Volkswagen, and others have had to shut down production plants over the last quarter as they struggle to purchase parts and the chips packed inside them. The pipeline for chips used in cars was cleaned out by a consumer electronics boom in 2020. That has forced them to fight with consumer electronics giants like Apple for limited chip supplies.The auto industry is not the only one struggling to buy enough chips for their products, though.
Consumer electronics makers including Apple and Sony have blamed bottlenecks for slowing production of iPhones and Playstation 5s. As consumers have stocked up on PCs and other devices during the pandemic, the contract chip manufacturers have been flooded with orders.Additionally, the chip industry is in a precarious position where any attempt to shift production to automakers could indirectly cause delays for consumer electronics makers running out of chips.
Most industry analysts believe the shortage will ease in the coming months as supply adapts to meet demand. But it could take longer for the sector to fully recover as demand hits record highs. Broadcom, which acts as a barometer for chip demand in broader technology industry, said that as of the first quarter, customers have already ordered 90% of its supply of chips for 2021.
Semiconductor makers are digging out of a very, very deep hole. Harlan Sur, industry analyst at JP Morgan, estimates that global supplies of chips are lagging 10% to 30% behind demand. He warned it could take nine to 12 months for supply levels to balance with demand. And it could be another three to six months before customer and distributor inventories are fully replenished.How did we get here?
The Global Chip Shortage, Explained
The chip industry is in a precarious position. Any effort to shift production to auto makers could indirectly cause delays for consumer electronics giants that are also short on chips.
반도체 산업은 현재 불안정한 상황이다. (가전기기 제조사에서) 자동차 제조사쪽으로의 반도체 공급 전환은 가전기기 제조사들의 반도체 부족현상을 간접적으로 지연시킬수도 있다.
Precarious 미국식 [prɪ|keriəs], 영국식 [prɪ|keəriəs]
1. adjective 형용사
(영한사전) 불안정한, 위태로운
(영영사전) in a dangerous state because of not being safe or not being held in place firmly.
He earned a precarious living as an artist. 그는 화가로서 불안정한 생활을 영위했다.
The lorry was lodged in a very precarious way, with its front wheels hanging over the cliff. 트럭은 앞 바퀴가 절벽에 걸린 상태로 위태롭게 꽂혀있다.
2. adjective 형용사
(영한사전) (금방 넘어지거나 사람을 넘어뜨릴 것처럼) 위태로운
(영영사전) A precarious situation is likely to ger worse.
in danger because not firmly fixed; likely to fall or suffer harm.
That ladder looks very precarious. 저 사다리는 아주 위태로워 보여.
Many borrowers now find themselves caught in a precarious financial position. 많은 채무자들은 현재 재정적으로 위태로운 상황에 처해있따.
A global chip shortage that has ravaged companies in the auto sector is spreading to other parts of the electronics industry, snarling supply chains for everything from game consoles to phones.
자동차 기업들에게 피해를 준 세계적인 반도체 공급부족 현상은 게임콘솔시장에서 휴대폰까지의 모든 분야의 공급망을 위협하면서 전자산업의 다른 부품들까지 번지고 있다.
ravage [ ˈrævɪdʒ ]
1. transitive verb 타동사
(영한사전) 황폐[피폐]하게 만들다. 유린[파괴]하다.
(영영사전) to cause great damage to something.
a country ravaged by civil war. 내전으로 피폐해진 나라
The area has been ravaged by drought/floods/war. 가뭄/홍수/전쟁으로 그 지역은 황폐화되었다.
devastate [ˈdevəsteɪt]
1. transitive verb 타동사
(영한사전) (한 장소나 지역을) 완전히 파괴하다.
[수동태로] (사람에게) 엄청난 충격을 주다; 비탄에 빠뜨리다.
(영영사전) to destroy a place or thing completely or cause great damage.
to make someone feel very shocked and upset.
The bomb devastated much of the old part of the city. 그 폭탄은 그 도시의 구시가지 대부분을 완전 폐허로 만들어 놓았다.
Waves of corporate downsizing have devastated employee morale. 기업규모 축소의 물결은 직원들의 의욕을 완전히 없애버렸다.
The town was devastated by a hurricane in 1928. 마을은 1928년 허리케인에 의해 파괴되었다.
I was so devastated I was crying constantly. 나는 너무 충격을 받아서(망연자실해서) 계속 울었다.
snarl [snɑːrl]
1. intransitive verb 자동사
(영한사전) (이빨을 드러내며) 으르렁거리다, (화가 나거나 기분이 나빠서) 으르렁거리다
The dog snarled at us. 그 개가 우리를 보고 으르렁거렸다.
'Get out of here!' he snarled. "여기서 나가!" 그가 으르렁거렸다.
2. countable none 가산명사
(영한사전) (개 등이 이빨을 드러내며) 으르렁거리는 소리, (화가 나거나 기분이 나빠서) 으러렁거림 [으러렁거리는 소리]
(영영사전) a deep, rough sound, usually made in anger
The dog bared its teeth in a snarl. 그 개는 이빨을 드러내며 으르렁거렸다.
a snarl of hate. 증오에 찬 으르렁거림.
3. none
(영한사전) (비격식) 뒤얽힌[뒤엉킨] 것
(영영사전) an untidy mass of things that are twisted together
She used conditioner to remove the snarls from her hair. 그녀는 머리카락의 뒤엉킴을 없애려고 컨디셔너를 사용했다.
She tried to comb the snarls out of her daughter's long hair. 그녀는 딸의 긴머리가 뒤엉켜서 빗질을 하였다.
rush-hour traffic snarls. 러시아워의 교통혼잡 (※ snarl-up: 교통혼잡[체증][=jam])
Ford, General Motors, Toyota, Volkswagen, and others have had to shut down production plants over the last quarter as they struggle to purchase parts and the chips packed inside them. The pipeline for chips used in cars was cleaned out by a consumer electronics boom in 2020. That has forced them to fight with consumer electronics giants like Apple for limited chip supplies.
The auto industry is not the only one struggling to buy enough chips for their products, though. Consumer electronics makers including Apple and Sony have blamed bottlenecks for slowing production of iPhones and Playstation 5s. As consumers have stocked up on PCs and other devices during the pandemic, the contract chip manufacturers have been flooded with orders.
Additionally, the chip industry is in a precarious position where any attempt to shift production to automakers could indirectly cause delays for consumer electronics makers running out of chips.
Most industry analysts believe the shortage will ease in the coming months as supply adapts to meet demand. But it could take longer for the sector to fully recover as demand hits record highs. Broadcom, which acts as a barometer for chip demand in broader technology industry, said that as of the first quarter, customers have already ordered 90% of its supply of chips for 2021.
포드, GM, 도요타, 폭스바겐과 다른 기업들은 자동차안에 들어가는 부품과 칩을 힘겹게 구매하면서 지난 분기동안 공장 가동을 중단하여야만 했다. 자동차용 반도체 칩의 공급은 2020년 가전제품 호황으로 인해 완전히 줄어들었다. 그러한 점들은 애플과 같은 가전기업과 제한된 반도체칩 공급을 두고 경쟁하게 되었다.
하지만, 자동차 산업에서 단지 더 많은 칩을 확보하는 것이 문제는 아니다. 애플과 소니를 포함한 가전기기 제조사들은 아이폰과 플레이스테이션 5의 (반도체 공급부족으로 인한) 생산지연화에 대한 병목현상을 비난해왔다. 소비자들이 팬데믹기간 동안 PC와 다른 기기들을 많이 사면서, 반도체 제조사들의 계약건수는 수배로 증가하였다. 게다가, 현재 반도체 산업은 자동차 산업으로 공급에 중점을 둔다면 역시 반도체가 부족한 가전기기 제조사들의 제품지연을 간접적으로 유발할 수 있는 위태로운 상황이다.
대부분의 애널리스트들은 공급이 수요를 만족시키면서 수개월내에 반도체 부족현상을 해결할 것으로 믿는다. 그러나, 수요가 역사상 최고치를 기록하면서 (현재와 같은) 부족현상은 장기화 될 수도 있다. 다양한 반도체 제품군을 보유하여 반도체 수요의 척도역할을 하는 브로드컴은 소비자들이 2021년 공급량의 90%에 해당하는 반도체를 주문했다고 발표했다.
Semiconductor makers are digging out of a very, very deep hole. Harlan Sur, industry analyst at JP Morgan, estimates that global supplies of chips are lagging 10% to 30% behind demand. He warned it could take nine to 12 months for supply levels to balance with demand. And it could be another three to six months before customer and distributor inventories are fully replenished.
How did we get here?
반도체 제조사들은 아주, 아주 깊은 구멍에서 벗어나려고 한다. (반도체 부족난 해결을 위해 열심히 노력하고 있다.) JP Morgan의 Harlan Sur 애널리스트는 글로벌 반도체 공급은 수요량의 10~30% 정도 뒤쳐져 있다고 예측하였다. 그는 수요를 따라잡을려면 9~12개월 정도 걸릴것이라고 경고했다. 그리고, 소비자와 공급자에게 충분히 공급되기 까지는 3~6개월정도 추가적으로 소요될 수 있다고 했다.
어쩌다가 여기까지 왔을까?
dig out of (somthing)
1. transitive verb, idiomatic
(영한사전) ~에서 벗어나다.
(영영사전) to save someone or something from trouble.
to create an exit out of something by channeling, tunneling, etc
The groundhog dug out of its burrow and advanced on my herb garden. 마멋은 굴을 벗어나서 나의 허브정원으로 돌진했다.
lag (behind somebody/something)
1. intransitive verb, idiomatic
(영한사전) 뒤에 처지다, 뒤떨어지다
(영영사전) to move or develop slowly or more slowly than other peopel, organizations, etc. If one thing or person lags behind another thing or person, their progress is slower than that of the other.
The little boy lagged behind his parents. 작은 소년은 그의 부모님보다 뒤떨어져있었다.
He now lags 10 points behind the champion. 그는 현재 챔피언이 되기까지 10점 남았다.
replenish [ rɪˈplenɪʃ ]
1. transitive verb
(영한사전) (원래처럼) 다시 채우다, 보충하다.
(영영사전) to fill something up again
Allow me to replenish your glass. 당신 컵을 다시 채워 드리겠어요.
Does your glass need replenishing? 잔에 음료를 더 채워 드릴까요?
to replenish food and water supplies. 식품과 식수 비축 물자를 보충하다.
Food stocks were replenished by imports from abroad. 식량재고는 해외수입으로 보충되었다.
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