a-straw-raincoat 2021. 9. 29. 16:57

해당 글은 아래 강좌를 수강 후 복습한 내용을 적은 내용입니다.

비즈니스 영작문 - 패턴연습  (YBM NET)

  • would you mind ~ing: ~해주시면 안될까요? (mind -ing, -하는 걸 꺼리니? 예의바르고 공손한 표현이다.)
  • would you mind smoking? 담배피는걸 꺼리시나요? → 담배 펴도될까요?
  • I will make sure that S + V: ~을 확실하게 하겠다.
  • how is ~going? ~은 잘 되어가고 있나요?
  • How was~?: ~은 어땠나요? (※ How about은 '제안'할 때 쓰임)
  • How is/was/about, 잘 되어가나/어땠나/~하는게어때
  • How + be 동사: 일의 상황이나 일이 끝난 상황을 물을 때



  • Would you mind helping me with the paperwork(문서작업)? ( help+사람+with 도움요청할내용)
  • Can you help me with my homework? Sure, I can help you with your homework.
  • I will make sure that it will be done by Monday.
  • How is everything going?
  • How was your meeting?


1. 회의 때 모두를 위해 복사를 해주시겠어요?


Would you mind doing copies to all at the meeting?



Would you mind making copies for everyone at the meeting?


  • 복사하다 make copies


2. Eric이 당신의 메시지를 받은 것이 확실할 거 예요.


It will make sure that Eric received your message.



I will make sure that Eric receives your message. ('받은 것이'므로 현재형, '받았다는것이'이면 received)


3. 예산 제안은 잘 되어 가나요?


How is the budget suggestion going?



How is your budget proposal going?



4. 어제 회의 어땠어?

<연습> <정답>

How was the meeting yesterday?


5. 나는 조금 후에 회의에 가야만 해. Alex에게 이 보고서를 전달해 줄래?


I have to go to the meeting after a while.

Would you mind giving Alex to this report?



I have to go to a meeting in a few minutes.

Would you mind passing this report to Alex?

  • 조금후에 in a few minutes.
  • 동명사 쓰는 단어: mind, finish, enjoy, give, avoid


6. 커피 감사해요. 제가 내일 꼭 살게요.


Thank you for the coffee. I will make sure that I will buy.



Thank you for the coffee.

I will make sure to get you one tomorrow.

I will treat you to get you one tomorrow.


I will treat you to coffee.

I will treat you to lunch.

I will treat you. 한 턱쏠께.


7. 보고서 어때요? 당신이 마치면 제가 한번 검토할 수 있어요.


How is the report going? (a report?) I will make sure to review it after you complete it.



How is your report going? I can take a look at it when you're done.


  • 면밀히 보다. take a look


8. 지난번 회의 어떠셨어요? 굉장히 중요한 사람들이 많았다고 들었어요.


How was the last meeting? I heard that there were a lot of very important people.



How was the conference the other day? I heard lots of important people were there.


  • 지난번 the other day
  • meeting, conference 차이? conference는 meeting에 비교하여 규모가 더 크고, 특정 주제에 대해 논의하기 위해 모이는 meeting의 한 유형
  • lots of, a lot of 차이?  같은뜻.
  • go there, go downtown, go upstairs, go downstairs


9. 예산 제안은 어떻게 되고 있어요?

전 거의 제 것은 마쳤어요. 한번 검토해 줄 수 있으세요?

문제가 있으면 제가 바로 확인할게요.

저도 마찬가지로 당신 것을 검토해 드릴게요.


How is your budget proposal going?

Mine is almost done. Would you mind taking a look at it?

If any concerns, I will make sure to check it.

I will also make sure to review yours.



How is your budget proposal going?

I'm almost finished with mine, so would you mind taking a look at it?

Just try to check if there are any errors.

I'll make sure that I read yours as well.


10. 안녕 Emily.

병원 다녀온 것은 어떠니? 모든 것들이 잘 되었으면 좋겠어. 그리고 Chris와 교대 근무를 바꿔도 되겠니?

그도 병원에 가서 진찰 받아야만 한대.


Hello. Emily.

How was your visit to hospital?

I hope everything is going well, and would you mind changing exchangeable work with Chris?

He should see a doctor as well.



Hey Emily.

How was your trip to the doctor yesterday?

I hope everything is going well. Anyway, would you mind switching shifts with Chris next week?

He also has to see the doctor.


  • 교대 근무 (시간) shift
  • 주간/야간 (교대) 근무 day/nigh shift

